Navigating a Retrograde Mars this Summer: Sexual Experiments or Cool Operator? (Maybe Both!)
Mars will be retrograde until Aug 28th, 2018.
How will this be affecting you?
Mars is the God of War, but rules "sex," as well as how we choose to act.
Since it's a retrograde, our expression of these behaviors can get stifled. There may also be a desire to rehash or revisit old loves, both emotionally and physically. Notice the “re” in retrograde.
A retrograde Mars period is a tricky time to get sexually involved. However, Mars starts out in Aquarius, the sign that likes to experiment and switch things up. It's a good time to research "what’s possible,” and think about ways of setting ourselves free from old constraints or what has been the norm.
So should you come up to the lab and see what's on the slab? Yes, by all means. Just keep that Aquarian spirit of emotional detachment for now and don't expect a smooth ride or clarity until summer's end.
Mars will be opposing the Leo Sun during the last week of July, which could affect those born during the early and mid-degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), and/or those with planets within the early/mid degrees of the fixed signs.
This Mars Retrograde period is also a good time to reassess your own power-plays.
Once Mars travels backwards into Capricorn, people may become more cautious, maybe even fearful about taking any actions at all. This is because Mars in Capricorn is great at practicing restraint, but sometimes they just restrain too much, out of fear. Mars will also pass over a critical/fateful 29 degree in Capricorn, and this could have some fall-out effects depending on other aspects and placements in your own chart if you are born at the tail end of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn). There may also be more "outings" of the "offenders" as a continuing saga from when Mars began its journey in Capricorn earlier this year, spotlighting downfalls of the super-powerful (especially men).
Most of all, go easy on yourself for feeling pent up or anxious during this time. Saturn and other planets are also be retrograde this summer, and we could feel burdens and restrictions more heavily with the extra pent-up feelings of a Mars retrograde.
Mars is a planet that is quite close to us (respectively), and its energies have a way of getting into our lives.
Find out how this activity will affect you by getting your Mars Retrograde Reading with me!
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